What to do After a Bike Accident

In a push to make cities cleaner and greener, public transportation and bikes are being pushed more than ever by local governments. Bicycles are finding more favor with commuters as new, accommodating infrastructure is developed to better support bicycle traffic. With bikes and public transportation also being much cheaper than car ownership, more people are willing to do their part in reducing their carbon footprint and contributing to the ongoing green effort by purchasing a bike.

Although riding a bike remains an enjoyable, green form of transportation, the threat of a collision with the bicycle’s larger, more air-polluting cousin hasn’t been alleviated completely. Bike accidents have become more frequent as bikes become more popular, and given the lack of protection a bike affords the rider compared to what the interior of a car provides its passengers, it’s usually the cyclist who ends up with a severe injury. This usually leaves the cyclist in need of a personal injury lawyer, but before you call a lawyer, you’ll need to act appropriately in the direct aftermath of the accident. As a personal injury attorney from a law office like Injury Advice Lawyers can explain, here’s what you need to do in order to properly handle the situation:

1. Get to safety and treatment: If you’re still in the street and can still walk or move, you’ll want to get to safety as soon as possible to avoid any further injuries, even if it means abandoning your bike – your health and safety is always your first priority. Check all over yourself to make sure you don’t have any major lacerations or bruises with bleeding, and if you find any of these injuries, do what you can to stop the bleeding. In the meantime, call the police and medical services at the first available opportunity for further treatment and stabilization. They’ll be able to perform the necessary examinations to show you the extent of your injuries, and they’ll be able to provide safe and effective treatment.

2. File a police report: In this step, detail is key. You’ll want to provide as much detail as you can from your perspective, so your story can be fully taken into account. If you blacked out, or are unsure of any details, don’t lie and make something up just to fill the story. Only tell the truth, as lying can come back to bite you in court.

3. Don’t talk to the opposing party: Once you’ve acquired a personal injury lawyer and started your case, you may be contacted by the opposing party or their lawyer, and you may feel compelled to talk to them. Don’t. If this happens, simply say, “If you wish to speak with me, please contact my lawyer” and hang up. Anything you say can and will be used against you, and from this point, your lawyer should handle everything regarding your case.